GHA is committed to HUD's mission to promote non-discrimination and ensure fair and equal housing opportunities for all. In an ongoing effort to provide services and activities on a nondiscriminatory manner and to affirmatively further fair housing, HUD is charged by law to implement and enforce a wide array of civil rights laws, not only for members of the public in search of fair housing, but for HUD funded grant recipients as well. HUD is also charged with ensuring the successful operation of specific enforcement of housing programs. HUD-funded grant recipients are obligated under various laws not to discriminate in housing or services directly or indirectly on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, familial status, or disability. HUD rules further require that recipients of Federal financial assistance comply with civil rights-related program requirements (CRRPRs) that affect nearly every aspect of each program. HUD's non-discrimination requirements are compiled from several different federal laws designed to protect each individual's right to fair housing and equal opportunity.
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All complaints are forwarded for review and disposition to the Houston office of HUD. |